A Blueprint for Law Firm Convergence: How to Build a Successful Panel
Building an effective law firm panel program can have a huge impact on legal departments, from reducing legal spend to deepening relationships with outside counsel. Panels empower legal teams to concentrate the subject matter knowledge their firms offer, bolster their bargaining power in price negotiations and manage valuable relationships effectively.
However, creating a panel program that achieves these goals is a delicate balance. Departments have to gather the right intelligence on firms, ensuring appropriate practice area, geographic and pricing coverage, carefully plan the structure and framework of their panels and effectuate change management.
In this webinar, legal operations leaders discuss their perspectives on panel programs. You’ll find out how large legal departments have stood up and maintained their panels, and the successes, challenges and lessons learned. The panelists will provide practical tips about the factors to consider before embarking on a new panel project, how to get buy-in from key stakeholders and best practices for a new implementation or enhancing an existing program.
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Juanita Luna
Managing Director,
Luna Legal Ops (formerly with PG&E)

John Crawshaw
Legal Operations Manager,

Karen Helten
Outside Counsel Senior Manager,

Basha Rubin
CEO & Co-Founder,
Priori (moderator)